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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Alcojet – Low Foaming Powdered Detergent低泡沫精密粉狀清潔劑

Alcojet – Low Foaming Powdered Detergent低泡沫精密粉狀清潔劑

2021-03-06 16:26:20  

Alcojet – Low Foaming Powdered Detergent低泡沫精密粉狀清潔劑是一種低泡沫的、粉狀的水性清潔劑,主要用于衛生保健設備, 實(shí)驗室器皿,采樣儀器,醫療器械,制藥設備等清潔。

Alcojet – Low Foaming Powdered Detergent低泡沫精密粉狀清潔劑是一種低泡沫的、粉狀的水性清潔劑,主要用于衛生保健設備, 實(shí)驗室器皿,采樣儀器,醫療器械,制藥設備等清潔。

用于清潔:衛生保健設備, 實(shí)驗室器皿,采樣儀器, 厚玻璃板,動(dòng)物籠子,電子元件, 制藥設備, 化妝品制造設備, 金屬鑄件, 鍛造和沖壓設備,工業(yè)儀器, 罐油柜和反應器。 通過(guò)由美國農業(yè)部(USDA)認可聯(lián)邦肉類(lèi)和禽類(lèi)加工廠(chǎng)審查。通過(guò)水分析的禁止殘渣測試. 

用于去除: 土, 砂, 灰垢,粘液, 油脂, 柏油, 樹(shù)脂, 脂肪, 油, 血, 組織, 無(wú)機物殘渣, 微粒, 溶媒, 化學(xué)制品和溶劑 

表面清潔: 腐蝕抑制配方設計用于玻璃, 金屬, 不銹鋼,瓷器,陶器, 塑料,橡膠和玻璃纖維。如果迅捷沖洗能用于軟金屬如銅、鋁、鋅和鎂。 建議做腐蝕實(shí)驗 

清潔方法: 實(shí)驗室器皿清潔儀, 水消毒器,水消毒劑, 手推車(chē)洗滌機cart washers, 籠式洗滌器cage washers, 噴霧洗滌器 spray washers, 電凈法, 超聲波清潔儀,CIP 流動(dòng)沖洗。在正確保護皮膚和眼睛下手工洗滌 

使用指導: 按照儀器操作說(shuō)明和使用儀器的粉狀清潔劑容器。通常, 每一熱水洗滌循環(huán)溶解方案為 1/2 - 1%? (1 1/4 - 2 1/2湯匙/加侖., 3/4 - 1 1/4 盎司/加侖.或5-10 克/升—大部分機器需要2 1/2盎司加入2加侖水循環(huán))。用于手工,浸泡, 流動(dòng),或超聲波應用時(shí), 使用溫水或熱水中 1%濃度方案;用于研磨擦洗abrasive scrubbing,漿糊make paste。用于難洗污跡, 可提高水溫和使用更多的洗滌劑。手工洗滌時(shí)戴上防護性手套和眼罩。徹底沖洗—最好用流動(dòng)水。重要的清潔、最終沖洗使用去離子水或純凈水。用于食物接觸表面沖洗使用可飲用水。廣泛用于玻璃、陶器、塑料和金屬表面。建議做腐蝕測試. 

Alcojet – Low Foaming Powdered Detergent: Nonionic, low foaming powder cleaner for use in labware washers, parts washers, power-spray systems, manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Corrosion inhibited formula recommended for glassware, metals, plastic, ceramic, porcelain, rubber and fiberglass. Free rinsing for reliable results and no interfering residues. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:200. pH 11.5.

Concentrated to save you money

Biodegradable and readily disposable

Non-ionic, low foaming cleaner for high performance from your cleaning machinery without damaging washer parts

Free rinsing to give you reliable results and no interfering residues

Use to pass your cleaning validation tests for lab accreditation and plant inspection approval

Used to clean: Healthcare instruments, laboratory ware, sampling apparatus, plate glass, pharmaceutical apparatus, cosmetics manufacturing equipment, restaurant equipment, wine glasses, counters, floors, sidewalks and driveways, metal castings, forgings and stampings, industrial parts, tanks and reactors. Authorized by USDA for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. Passes inhibitory residue test for water analysis. FDA certified.

Used to remove: Soil, grit, grime, slime, grease, tars, resins, fats, oils, blood, tissue, inorganic residues, particulates, solvents, chemicals and solvents.

Surfaces cleaned: Corrosion inhibited, residue-free formulation recommended for glass, metal, stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, grout, plastic, rubber and fiberglass. Can be used on soft metals such as copper, aluminum, zinc and magnesium if rinsed promptly. Corrosion testing may be advisable.

Cleaning method: Laboratory warewashers, water-sterilizers, washer-sanitizers, cart washers, cage washers, spray washers, electrocleaning, ultrasonic cleaners, flow through clean-in-place. Manual cleaning if proper skin and eye protection is used.

Use in automated machine per manufacturer instructions. For typical under counter washers fill detergent cup with Alcojet and run machine.

For typical automated, manual, ultrasonic or soak methods, make a 0.5–1.0% solution (0.6–1.25 oz/gal, 5–10 g/L or 1.25-2.5 Tbsp/gal) in warm or hot water. Rinse thoroughly; for food contact surfaces use potable water. Wear protective gloves and eyewear for manual cleaning.

For abrasive scrubbing, make paste. For difficult soils, raise water temperature and use more detergent.

Size                       Catalog Number

4 lb box (1.8 kg)              1404-1

Case of 9 x 4 lb (9 x 1.8 kg) 1404

25 lb box (11 kg)                 1425

50 lb box (22.5 kg)                 1450

100 lb drum (45 kg)         1401

300 lb drum (136 kg)         1403

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