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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑

KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑

2022-09-10 07:52:45  

KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑可以用于電子接點(diǎn)的清洗,對合成材料、塑料和彈性體溫和。 KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑可以安全地去除所有電子設備上的舊油脂、灰塵和異物顆粒,包括:觸點(diǎn)、精密自動(dòng)裝置、插頭、印刷電路、計算機和遠程技術(shù)。 KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑不影響頻率或容量。

KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑

KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑可以用于電子接點(diǎn)的清洗,對合成材料、塑料和彈性體溫和。 KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑可以安全地去除所有電子設備上的舊油脂、灰塵和異物顆粒,包括:觸點(diǎn)、精密自動(dòng)裝置、插頭、印刷電路、計算機和遠程技術(shù)。 KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑不影響頻率或容量。

注意:在使用KEMA EL-K80接點(diǎn)清潔劑之前斷開(kāi)電路,并且在清潔劑完全蒸發(fā)之前不要閉合電路。


? 專(zhuān)為電子設備設計

? 對合成材料、塑料和彈性體溫和

? 有效脫脂

? 不留殘留物

貨號:11505,500 毫升噴霧

KEMA EL-K80 Contact Cleaner

EL-K80 is a grease dissolving cleaner that is gentle on synthetic materials, plastics and elastomers. It safely removes old grease oil, dust and foreign particles from

all electronic equipment including: contacts, precision automatics, plugs, printed circuits, computer- and tele technique. It does not affect the frequency or capacity.

NOTE: Break the circuit before using EL-K80 and do not close the circuit until the cleaner has evaporated completely.


? Designed for electronic equipment

? Gentle on synthetic materials, plastics and elastomers

? Effective degreasing

? Leaves no residue

Article no.: 11505, 500 ml spray

標簽: KEMA EL-K80

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