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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

ROCOL SAPPHIRE Hi-Load 2羅哥藍寶石高負荷潤滑脂

ROCOL SAPPHIRE Hi-Load 2羅哥藍寶石高負荷潤滑脂

2021-03-20 16:12:29  

ROCOL SAPPHIRE Hi-Load 2羅哥藍寶石高負荷潤滑脂是一種長(cháng)周期多復合皂基潤滑脂,專(zhuān)用于受強烈震動(dòng)或重負荷的慢速軸承。(rocol 12761,rocol 12765, rocol 12764)

ROCOL SAPPHIRE Hi-Load 2羅哥藍寶石高負荷潤滑脂是一種長(cháng)周期多復合皂基潤滑脂,專(zhuān)用于受強烈震動(dòng)或重負荷的慢速軸承。(rocol 12761,rocol 12765, rocol 12764)

· 3倍于傳統多用途軸承潤滑脂壽命
· 優(yōu)異的承受負荷能力
· 延長(cháng)再潤滑周期
· 革命性的多復合潤滑脂
· 良好的防腐性能
· 工作溫度:-30℃至150℃

Long life multi-purpose bearing grease fortified with MoS2

Wide temperature range – from -30°C to +150°C.
Revolutionary multi-complex soap technology provides outstanding EP performance superior to conventional soap thickened lubricants.
Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) has an affinity to metal surfaces leaving a tenacious high load carrying film with a low coefficient of friction.
Film provides an extremely durable layer reducing frictional heat and wear and extending component life and lubrication intervals.
Ideal for highly loaded, slow moving applications where shock loads and vibration can occur.
Highly resistant to oxidation providing greatly extended lubrication intervals – typically 3 times longer than conventional lubricants.
Excellent corrosion resistance to protect in humid, damp and even wet conditions.
Maintains its integrity in extreme conditions and continues to protect over extended lubrication intervals, reducing equipment failure, downtime and lubricant usage.

Size: 400g Part Number: 12761
Size: 5kg Part Number: 12765
Size: 18kg Part Number: 12764

關(guān)鍵詞:ROCOL SAPPHIRE Hi-Load 2,羅哥藍寶石高負荷潤滑脂,rocol 12761,rocol 12765, rocol 12764

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