可噴靈Cramolin ANTISTATIK防靜電清除劑(Cramolin 1331611,Cramolin 1331411)
[ 產(chǎn)品詳細介紹 ]:
Cramolin ANTISTATIK防靜電清除劑是一種純凈和安全的清潔劑,提供最新SGS.能夠在瞬間消除在摩擦和低濕狀況下積累的靜電。Cramolin ANTISTATIK防靜電清除劑可防止靜電損壞微電子組件、半道體和其它高敏感設備,ANSTATIC能顯著(zhù)持久減少灰塵和污洉的積聚。Cramolin ANTISTATIK防靜電清除劑可消除靜電釋放,以防設備故障和儲存數據丟失。它的不可見(jiàn)薄膜對人體和材料無(wú)害。
Cramolin ANTISTATIK防靜電清除劑可以應用于數據處理、電子設備、影像處理設備、計算器和辦公設備。Cramolin ANTISTATIK防靜電清除劑清除塑料部件、文檔、機柜、對面、墻面、天花板、地毯、工作面、地毯、工作面、座椅套等積聚的灰塵和污洉。
Neutralizes and Eliminates Static Electricity.
ANTISTATIC is a clear and safe agent that instantly eliminates static build-up caused by friction and low humidity conditions. lt prevents static electricity that can damage microelectronic components, semi-conductors and other high sensitive devices. ANTISTATIC considerably and durably reduces the attraction of dust and dirt. lt eliminates electrostatic discharges that can lead to equipment failure and loss of stored data. Its thin, invisible film is harmless to people and materials. A test acc. DIN IEC 93 showed a reduction of surface resistance down to values below 109 Ohm.
Art.-Nr Cramolin 1331411 (200 ml)
Cramolin 1331611 (400 ml)
關(guān)鍵詞:可噴靈,Cramolin ANTISTATIK,Cramolin 1331411,Cramolin 1331611,防靜電清除劑