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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Molyduval Black Paste潤滑油膏

Molyduval Black Paste潤滑油膏

2022-09-03 09:44:28  

Molyduval Black Paste 比 Molyduval Quick Pastes 軟得多。Molyduval Black Paste 適用于在高壓力和高溫度下對軸承進(jìn)行油脂潤滑。 Molyduval Black Paste 潤滑更容易。 Molyduval Black Paste 非常適合再潤滑。

Molyduval Black Paste 比 Molyduval Quick Pastes 軟得多。Molyduval Black Paste 適用于在高壓力和高溫度下對軸承進(jìn)行油脂潤滑。 Molyduval Black Paste 潤滑更容易。 Molyduval Black Paste 非常適合再潤滑。

  • Molyduval Black Paste 用于長(cháng)期潤滑

  • Molyduval Black Paste 用于 Molyduval Black Paste Quick PG 后的再潤滑

  • Molyduval Black Paste 用于機床的重型軸承、開(kāi)關(guān)齒輪和蝸輪、滑塊、導軌和支架,Neidhard 彈簧懸架。

Molyduval Black Paste Much softer than the Molyduval Quick Pastes.Black Paste is for greasy lubrication of bearings at highest pressures in highest temperatures. Lubrication is easier. Excellent suitable for relubrication.

  • for long-term lubrication

  • for relubrication after Quick PG

  • for heavy-duty bearings, switch gears and worm gears, slides,guidance’s and supports for machine tools, Neidhard sprin suspensions.

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