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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

ROCOL WIRE ROPE Dressing高性能鋼絲繩潤滑脂(rocol 20024)

ROCOL WIRE ROPE Dressing高性能鋼絲繩潤滑脂(rocol 20024)

2021-03-13 15:54:25  

ROCOL WIRE ROPE Dressing高性能鋼絲繩潤滑脂(rocol 20024)是一種黏性、半流體、不溶解脂,適用于各種鋼纜,即使在惡劣環(huán)境下,仍能提供卓越的潤滑及防腐功能。

ROCOL WIRE ROPE Dressing高性能鋼絲繩潤滑脂(rocol 20024)是一種黏性、半流體、不溶解脂,適用于各種鋼纜,即使在惡劣環(huán)境下,仍能提供卓越的潤滑及防腐功能。



· 可滲入纜芯,提供優(yōu)異的內、外部的潤滑

· 防止滑輪磨損

· 顯著(zhù)的內外防腐性能

· 適用于非摩擦驅動(dòng) 鋼絲繩

· 可抵抗鹽水侵蝕

· 通過(guò)NATO和Naval 標準測試

· 工作溫度:-30℃至100℃

WIRE ROPE Dressing

High performance semi-fluid wire rope dressing

? Temperature range of -30°C to +100°C.

? Sufficiently fluid enough to penetrate through the strands to the core of the rope whilst being sufficiently greasy to resist fling off.

? Exhibits excellent lubrication properties which reduces wear on the wires and strands thereby maximising the service life of the rope.

? Highly resistant to water wash-off and offers outstanding corrosion protection.

? Provides a thin, non-tacky film which prevents the build-up of dust and dirt on the wire rope.

Size: 4kg    Part Number: 20026

Size: 18kg  Part Number: 20024

Size: 160kg Part Number: 20039

關(guān)鍵詞:ROCOL WIRE ROPE Dressing,高性能鋼絲繩潤滑脂,rocol 20024,rocol 20026,rocol 20029

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