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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Rivolta R.G.L. Spray

Rivolta R.G.L. Spray

2022-11-06 12:01:08  

Rivolta R.G.L. Spray是一種清潔、快速干燥的高性能潤滑劑和脫模劑,適用于-180°C至+250°C的工作溫度范圍。

Rivolta R.G.L. Spray是一種清潔、快速干燥的高性能潤滑劑和脫模劑,適用于-180°C至+250°C的工作溫度范圍。

Rivolta R.G.L. Spray is a clean and quickly drying high performancelubricating and separating film for the use in an operativetemperature range of -180 °C up to +250 °C.

Key Benefits of R.G.L. Spray

Maintenance-free clean long-term lubrication

Excellent lubricating, separating and non-stick properties

Assembly aid for screw connections, seals, etc.

Prevents seizure and stick-slip

Inhibits tribo- and fretting corrosion

For extreme conditions e.g. dust, vacuum, radiation

Temperature range -180 °C up to +250 °C

Suitable for metals, plastics, elastomers, wood, etc.

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