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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Tri-Flow TF20006高級潤滑油

Tri-Flow TF20006高級潤滑油

2022-09-24 16:42:02  

Tri-Flow TF20006由可軟化和去除污垢的溶劑配制而成,而特殊的添加劑可置換水分并防止生銹和腐蝕。 從鏈條和齒輪到卷軸和輪子,如果它移動(dòng),Tri-Flow Superior 潤滑劑將使其保持移動(dòng)!

Tri-Flow TF20006高級潤滑油可攻擊最佳性能的敵人,讓您保持前進(jìn)! 通過(guò)Tri-Flow TF20006潤滑劑的深度滲透,您可以消除水分、腐蝕和金屬與金屬之間的摩擦。 使用Tri-Flow  TF20006擊打難以觸及的運動(dòng)部件,為卓越的天氣性能(-60 至 475 華氏度)提供卓越潤滑。 Tri-Flow TF20006由可軟化和去除污垢的溶劑配制而成,而特殊的添加劑可置換水分并防止生銹和腐蝕。 從鏈條和齒輪到卷軸和輪子,如果它移動(dòng),Tri-Flow Superior 潤滑劑將使其保持移動(dòng)!

Tri-Flow Superior Lubricant

Tri-Flow Superior lubricant attacks the enemies of peak performance and keeps you moving! You can wipe out moisture, corrosion, and metal-on-metal friction with the deep penetration of these Tri-Flow lubricants. Superior hits hard-to-reach moving parts with high-grade petroleum oils to provide optimum lubrication for elite weather performance (-60 to 475 degrees F). It is formulated with solvents that soften and remove dirt, while special additives displace moisture and prevent rust and corrosion. From chains and gears to reels and wheels, if it moves, Tri-Flow Superior lubricant will keep it movin'!

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