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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Dynastrip DL3000光刻膠去除劑

Dynastrip DL3000光刻膠去除劑

2022-10-07 18:59:39  

Dynastrip DL3000光刻膠去除劑可以去除已曝光和處理的帶狀環(huán)狀負光刻膠

Dynastrip DL3000光刻膠去除劑

?Dynastrip DL3000去除劑可以去除已曝光和處理的帶狀環(huán)狀負光刻膠

?Dynastrip DL3000去除劑對大多數金屬無(wú)腐蝕性。

?Dynastrip DL3000去除劑不含酚類(lèi)或氯化烴

Dynastrip DL3000

? Strips cyclized negative photoresist that has been exposed and processed

? Dynastrip DL3000 is noncorrosive to most metals.

? Contains no phenols or chlorinated hydrocarbons

Dynastrip DL3000光刻膠去除劑

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