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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

DOWSIL 3-6752 Thermally Conductive Adhesive

DOWSIL 3-6752 Thermally Conductive Adhesive

2022-10-29 14:07:13  

陶熙DOWSIL 3-6752灰色導熱粘合劑是一種單組分熱固化硅酮,用于冷卻電子應用,并與金屬、陶瓷、填充塑料、環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂層壓板和有機基材粘合。陶熙DOWSIL 3-6752灰色導熱粘合劑具有阻燃性、自流平性、流動(dòng)性、觸變性,不含添加溶劑。

DOWSIL 3-6752 Thermally Conductive Adhesive

陶熙DOWSIL 3-6752灰色導熱粘合劑是一種單組分熱固化硅酮,用于冷卻電子應用,并與金屬、陶瓷、填充塑料、環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂層壓板和有機基材粘合。陶熙DOWSIL 3-6752灰色導熱粘合劑具有阻燃性、自流平性、流動(dòng)性、觸變性,不含添加溶劑。

Typical Use: Used for bonding hybrid circuit substrates, power semiconductor components and devices to heat sinks as well as for use in other bonding applications where flexibility and thermal conductivity are needed.


Color: Gray

Components: 1 part

Cure Time: 40min @ 100 °C; 10min @ 125 °C; 3min @ 150 °C

Dielectric Strength: 400 V/mil

Elongation: 15%

Flash Point: >100 °C

Hardness: 87 A

Service Temperature: -45 to 200 °C

Shear Strength: 540

Specific Gravity: 2.6 @ 25 °C

Tensile Strength: 545 psi

Thermal Conductivity: 1.8 W/mK

Viscosity: 81,000

標簽: DOWSIL 3-6752

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