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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

DOWSIL TC-2030 Thermally Conductive Adhesive

DOWSIL TC-2030 Thermally Conductive Adhesive

2022-10-29 13:57:25  

DOWSIL TC-2030 Thermally Conductive Adhesive是一種雙組分,灰色,1比1混合比,熱固化導熱粘合劑,適用于粘合電氣/電子部件和電路板,以確保有效的熱管理。

DOWSIL TC-2030 Thermally Conductive Adhesive是一種雙組分,灰色,1比1混合比,熱固化導熱粘合劑,適用于粘合電氣/電子部件和電路板,以確保有效的熱管理。

Two-part, gray, 1 to 1 mix ratio, heat cure thermally conductive adhesive, suitable for bonding electrical/electronic components and boards to ensure effective heat management.


DOWSIL TC-2030粘合劑適用于粘合電氣元件和電路板,并提供有效的熱傳遞

DOWSIL TC-2030 Adhesive is suitable for bonding electrical components and boards and providing efficient thermal transfer


High thermal conductivity

Good adhesion to Cu and Al substrates

Heat dissaption from critical components

Mechanical stability

Provides electrical insulation

標簽: DOWSIL TC-2030

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