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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox AUT 2245潤滑脂

Krytox AUT 2245潤滑脂

2022-10-14 10:36:15  

Krytox AUT 2245是全合成的,不是石油基的,完全惰性的,所以Krytox AUT 2245不會(huì )與環(huán)境中的任何物質(zhì)發(fā)生反應。與其他潤滑劑不同,溫度低于350oC(662°F)時(shí),Krytox AUT 2245不會(huì )氧化或分解成其他可能有害的物質(zhì)。

Krytox AUT 2245潤滑脂


Krytox AUT 2245潤滑脂提供多種高質(zhì)量、高性能潤滑劑,以滿(mǎn)足原始設備制造商(OEM)和世界級一級供應商最具挑戰性和最復雜的要求。我們的潤滑油、潤滑脂和涂層系列將在極端操作條件下提供長(cháng)期卓越的操作性能和高性能潤滑。

汽車(chē)設計工程師已經(jīng)了解到,在設計階段指定Krytox AUT 2245可以為OEM節省大量成本。通過(guò)延長(cháng)關(guān)鍵部件的壽命和提高消費者滿(mǎn)意度,Krytox潤滑油有助于降低維修成本,并可能節省數百萬(wàn)的保修索賠。有關(guān)Krytox潤滑系列的更多信息,請參閱KrytoxTM7或Krytox-GPL 22X系列。

為什么使用Krytox AUT 2245潤滑脂?

Krytox AUT 2245是全合成的,不是石油基的,完全惰性的,所以Krytox AUT 2245不會(huì )與環(huán)境中的任何物質(zhì)發(fā)生反應。與其他潤滑劑不同,溫度低于350oC(662°F)時(shí),Krytox AUT 2245不會(huì )氧化或分解成其他可能有害的物質(zhì)。

Krytox AUT 2245 Grease | Squeak & Rattle Lubricant

Longer lasting lubricant for the Automotive Industry

Krytox AUT 2245 grease offers a wide range of high quality, high-performance lubricants to address the most challenging and complex requirements of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and world-class Tier One supplier. Our family of oils, greases, and coatings will provide long-term operational excellence and high-performance lubrication in extreme operating conditions.

Automotive design engineers have learned that specifying Krytox AUT 2245 during the design phase can provide OEMs with significant cost savings. By lengthening the life of critical components and improving consumer satisfaction, Krytox lubricants help reduce repair costs and potentially save millions in warranty claims. For additional Krytox lubrication series info, please see Krytox TM7 or Krytox GPL 22X series.

Why Krytox AUT 2245 Grease?

Krytox? products are fully synthetic, not petroleum- based and totally inert, so Krytox? oils and greases do not react with anything in the environment. Unlike other lubricants, at temperatures under 350 oC (662 °F), Krytox? oil does not oxidize or break down into other substances that could be harmful.

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