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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox GPL155熒光潤滑油

Krytox GPL155熒光潤滑油

2022-10-16 14:07:50  

Krytox GPL155是一種含有熒光劑添加劑的專(zhuān)用潤滑油,可在紫外線(xiàn)或“黑光”下輕松看到潤滑油,以確定應用的均勻性。在紫外光照射下,Krytox GPL155會(huì )發(fā)出肉眼可見(jiàn)的黃綠色。Krytox GPL155是一種持久的解決方案,具有高滲透性。將Krytox GPL155暴露在廣譜紫外線(xiàn)下可以確認機油達到所需的潤滑區域。此外,當將油涂在超薄層中時(shí),肉眼幾乎看不到;然而,隨著(zhù)紫外線(xiàn)照射到潤滑區域的表面,即使微量Krytox GPL155也很容易看到。

Krytox GPL155熒光潤滑油


Krytox GPL155是一種含有熒光劑添加劑的專(zhuān)用潤滑油,可在紫外線(xiàn)或“黑光”下輕松看到潤滑油,以確定應用的均勻性。在紫外光照射下,Krytox GPL155會(huì )發(fā)出肉眼可見(jiàn)的黃綠色。Krytox GPL155是一種持久的解決方案,具有高滲透性。將Krytox GPL155暴露在廣譜紫外線(xiàn)下可以確認機油達到所需的潤滑區域。此外,當將油涂在超薄層中時(shí),肉眼幾乎看不到;然而,隨著(zhù)紫外線(xiàn)照射到潤滑區域的表面,即使微量Krytox GPL155也很容易看到。

Krytox GPL 155 Fluorescing Oil

Long-Lasting Lubrication, Easily Visible under UV Light

Krytox GPL 155 is a specialty oil with fluorescing agent additives to allow the oil to be easily visible under an ultraviolet (UV) light or “black light” to determine the uniformity of an application. Under ultraviolet light, the product gives off a yellowish-green color that is visible to the unaided eye. Krytox oils are long-lasting solutions that exhibit high penetration. Exposing GPL 155 to a broad spectrum UV light can confirm the oil reached the desired area of lubrication. Also, when the oil is applied in an ultra-thin layer it can be nearly impossible to see with the naked eye; however, with the addition of UV light to the surface of the lubricated area, even trace amounts of GPL 155 become easily visible.

標簽: Krytox GPL155

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