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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox GPL 246導電潤滑脂

Krytox GPL 246導電潤滑脂

2022-10-16 14:01:32  

Krytox GPL 246導電潤滑脂在40°C時(shí)的基礎油粘度為240 cSt,估計可用溫度范圍為-36°C至260°C。

Krytox GPL 246導電潤滑脂在40°C時(shí)的基礎油粘度為240 cSt,估計可用溫度范圍為-36°C至260°C。

某些應用需要導電性。大多數潤滑脂用作絕緣體。Krytox GPL 246是由潤滑脂中的銅粉配制而成,用作導電體。Krytox機油具有長(cháng)壽命、高溫穩定性和潤滑性。在需要改進(jìn)傳熱的應用中,添加銅粉還可以提高潤滑脂的導熱性;然而,它會(huì )增加軸承噪音和磨損。非添加劑Krytox GPL 206潤滑脂在40°C(104°F)時(shí)的導熱系數為0.127 watts/m°K。40°C(104°F)下的Krytox GPL 246潤滑脂的電導率為0.272瓦特/米°K。

Krytox GPL 246由我們的Krytox-GPL 106基礎油配制而成,它保留了該油的許多特性。有關(guān)更多信息,請參閱Krytox高性能化學(xué)品產(chǎn)品概述手冊。有關(guān)其他Krytox電氣潤滑脂,請參閱Krytox-EG系列。

Krytox GPL 246 grease has an Oil Viscosity of 240 cSt at 40°C and the estimated useful temperature range is -36°C to 260°C.

Krytox GPL 246 Grease | Electrical Conductivity Grease

Specially formulated with Copper to ease conductivity

Some applications require electrical conductivity. Most greases act as insulators. Krytox GPL 246 has been formulated with copper powder in grease to act as a conductor of electricity. Krytox oils provide long life and high-temperature stability and lubrication. The addition of copper powder also improves the thermal conductivity of the grease for applications where improved heat transfer is needed; however, it can increase bearing noise and wear. The thermal conductivity of non-additized Krytox GPL 206 grease at 40 °C (104 °F) is 0.127 watts/m°K. The Krytox GPL 246 grease at 40 °C (104 °F) has a conductivity of 0.272 watts/m°K.

Krytox GPL 246 is formulated with our Krytox  GPL 106 base oil, it retains many of the properties of that oil. Consult Krytox Performance Chemicals Product Overview brochure for more information. For additional Krytox electrical greases, see Krytox EG Series.

標簽: Krytox GPL 246

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