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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

科慕krytox GPL103全氟聚醚耐高溫耐腐蝕潤滑油

科慕krytox GPL103全氟聚醚耐高溫耐腐蝕潤滑油

2022-08-22 22:07:33  

Krytox GPL103 氟化合成油透明、無(wú)色、持久、非反應性、100% 不易燃,是汽車(chē)行業(yè)的理想選擇。具體來(lái)說(shuō),Krytox GPL 103 在汽車(chē)行業(yè)因消除 NVH(噪音、振動(dòng)和刺耳)和嗡嗡聲/吱吱聲/嘎嘎聲 (BSR) 而受到高度評價(jià)。

科慕krytox GPL103全氟聚醚耐高溫耐腐蝕潤滑油


Krytox GPL 103 潤滑油 |通用潤滑油

消除 (NVH) 噪音/振動(dòng)/刺耳和 (BSR) 嗡嗡聲/吱吱聲/嘎嘎聲

Krytox GPL103 氟化合成油透明、無(wú)色、持久、非反應性、100% 不易燃,是汽車(chē)行業(yè)的理想選擇。具體來(lái)說(shuō),Krytox GPL 103 在汽車(chē)行業(yè)因消除 NVH(噪音、振動(dòng)和刺耳)和嗡嗡聲/吱吱聲/嘎嘎聲 (BSR) 而受到高度評價(jià)。提供高穿透性的擋風(fēng)雨保護性能,特別是用于內部汽車(chē)部件,例如通風(fēng)口、天窗墊圈、擋風(fēng)玻璃雨刷電機,并消除駐車(chē)制動(dòng)機構的粘滑現象。這種 PFPE 油可作為一種薄的惰性薄膜屏障,具有極長(cháng)的使用壽命,具有廣泛的材料兼容性,并因其在各種操作條件和環(huán)境中的穩定性而成為汽車(chē)行業(yè)的理想選擇。

使用 Krytox GPL 103 潤滑油解決汽車(chē)噪音和振動(dòng)問(wèn)題

今天的汽車(chē)工業(yè)設計對用于引擎蓋下發(fā)動(dòng)機部件或輕微噪音、振動(dòng)部件的潤滑劑提出了新的要求。它們必須承受更高的工作溫度并暴露于煙霧和燃料中,同時(shí)還要降低噪音/振動(dòng)/刺耳 (NVH) 和嗡嗡聲/吱吱聲/嘎嘎聲 (BSR)。 Krytox GPL 103 在減少耐候性密封墊圈和密封件上的天氣腐蝕和開(kāi)裂,消除 NVH 和 BSR 方面有著(zhù)良好的記錄。 Krytox 高性能潤滑油是汽車(chē)行業(yè)的解決方案,可通過(guò)以下方式幫助提高車(chē)輛動(dòng)力、駕駛室舒適度和使用壽命:


耐用性:隨著(zhù)時(shí)間的推移不會(huì )開(kāi)裂或結塊


化學(xué)惰性:不會(huì )與水、蒸汽、燃料、煙霧發(fā)生氧化或反應

為什么使用 Krytox GPL 103潤滑油?

與傳統的有機硅和碳氫化合物潤滑劑相比,Krytox 油和潤滑脂在高溫下具有出色的潤滑性能。 Krytox 油是完全合成的聚合物潤滑劑,不會(huì )損壞塑料、金屬、復合材料、有機材料(皮革、木材等)。 Krytox 的惰性特性使其能夠應用于各種表面,同時(shí)還具有令人難以置信的熱穩定性,并且可以承受暴露于腐蝕性化學(xué)物質(zhì)。 Krytox GPL 103 具有防水性、輻射穩定性和阻隔性,這要歸功于卓越的薄膜涂層及其堅固的聚合物骨架。對于需要 GPL 103 油脂形式的油的應用,請參閱 Krytox GPL 203。

Krytox GPL 103 Oil | General-Purpose Oil

Eliminates (NVH) noise/vibration/harshness and (BSR) buzz/squeak/rattle

Krytox GPL fluorinated synthetic oils are clear, colorless, long-lasting, nonreactive, 100% nonflammable, and ideal for the Automotive Industry. Specifically, Krytox GPL 103 is highly regarded in the Automotive Industry for the elimination of NVH (Noise, Vibration, and Harshness) and buzz/squeak/rattle (BSR). Providing high penetration weather stripping protective properties, especially for interior automotive parts such as air vents, sunroof gaskets, windshield wiper motors and provides elimination of stick-slip for parking brake mechanisms. This PFPE oil serves as a thin, inert, film barrier that is extremely long-lasting with broad material compatibility and utilized for their stability in a wide variety of operating conditions and environments making them ideally suited for the Automotive Industry.

Solving Auto Noise and Vibration Problems with Krytox GPL 103 Oil

Todays Automotive Industry designs place new demands on lubricants used for under-the-hood engine parts or slightly noisy, vibrating components. They must withstand higher operating temperatures and exposure to fumes and fuels, while also reducing noise/vibration/harshness (NVH) and buzz/squeak/rattle (BSR). Krytox GPL 103 has a proven record of reducing weather corrosion and cracking on weather-stripping gaskets and seals, eliminating NVH and BSR. Krytox performance lubricants are a solution for the Automotive Industry and assist with vehicle power, cabin comfort, and longevity by offering:

High performance: Able to work in extreme environments without oxidation

Durability: No cracking or caking over time

High lubricity: Small amounts required for effective use

Chemically inert: No oxidization or reaction with water, vapors, fuels, fumes

Why Use Krytox GPL 103 Oil?

Krytox oils and greases offer superior lubrication properties at elevated temperatures vs conventional silicone and hydrocarbon lubricants. Krytox oils are fully synthetic polymer lubricants that are non-damaging to plastics, metals, composites, organic materials (leather, wood, etc). Krytox’s inert properties allow it to be applied to a variety of surfaces while also has incredible heat-stability and can withstand exposure to corrosive chemicals. Krytox GPL 103 offers water repellency, radiation stability, and barrier properties thanks to superior thin-film coatings and its robust, polymer backbone. For applications that require GPL 103 Oil in grease form, please see Krytox GPL 203.

標簽: Krytox GPL103

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