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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

科慕krytox GPL106全氟聚醚耐高溫耐腐蝕潤滑油

科慕krytox GPL106全氟聚醚耐高溫耐腐蝕潤滑油

2022-08-27 07:30:28  

Krytox GPL106 是一種高性能全氟潤滑油,可在廣泛的溫度范圍內提供卓越的潤滑性和無(wú)與倫比的耐化學(xué)性。 Krytox GPL106的惰性特性確保它比有機硅和碳氫化合物潤滑劑等替代化學(xué)品更耐用,性能也更勝一籌。這種基礎油 100% 不可燃,并且不支持在 100% 液態(tài)或氣態(tài)氧氣環(huán)境中燃燒。

科慕krytox GPL106全氟聚醚耐高溫耐腐蝕潤滑油

Krytox GPL106 潤滑油 |通用潤滑油
長(cháng)效潤滑,100% 不燃
Krytox GPL106 是一種高性能全氟潤滑油,可在廣泛的溫度范圍內提供卓越的潤滑性和無(wú)與倫比的耐化學(xué)性。 Krytox GPL106的惰性特性確保它比有機硅和碳氫化合物潤滑劑等替代化學(xué)品更耐用,性能也更勝一籌。這種基礎油 100% 不可燃,并且不支持在 100% 液態(tài)或氣態(tài)氧氣環(huán)境中燃燒。這種潤滑劑的應用是非遷移性的,是氧氣、汽車(chē)、航空航天、醫療和工業(yè)設備制造商應用的理想選擇。

為什么使用 Krytox GPL 106潤滑油?
與傳統的有機硅和碳氫化合物潤滑劑相比,Krytox潤滑油和潤滑脂在高溫下具有出色的潤滑性能。 Krytox 油是完全合成的聚合物潤滑劑,不會(huì )損壞塑料、金屬、復合材料、有機材料(皮革、木材等)。 Krytox 的惰性特性使其能夠應用于各種表面,同時(shí)還具有令人難以置信的熱穩定性,并且可以承受暴露于腐蝕性化學(xué)物質(zhì)。 Krytox GPL 106 具有出色的薄膜涂層及其堅固的聚合物骨架,具有防水性、輻射穩定性和阻隔性。對于需要 GPL 106 油脂形式的油的應用,請參閱 Krytox? GPL 206 或 Krytox? GPL 216。

Krytox GPL 106 Oil | General-Purpose Oil
Long-Lasting Lubrication,100% Non-Flammable
Krytox GPL 106 is a high performance, fully-fluorinated oil that offers superior lubrication across a broad temperature range, unmatched chemical resistance. The inert nature of Krytox ensures it outlasts and outperforms alternative chemistries such as silicone and hydrocarbon-based lubricants. This base oil is 100% non flammable and does not support combustion in 100% liquid or gaseous oxygen environments. The application of this lubricant is non-migrating and is ideal for Oxygen, Automotive, Aerospace, Medical, and Industrial equipment manufacturer applications.

Why Use Krytox GPL 106 Oil?
Krytox oils and greases offer superior lubrication properties at elevated temperatures vs conventional silicone and hydrocarbon lubricants. Krytox oils are fully synthetic polymer lubricants that are non-damaging to plastics, metals, composites, organic materials (leather, wood, etc). Krytox’s inert properties allow it to be applied to a variety of surfaces while also has incredible heat-stability and can withstand exposure to corrosive chemicals. Krytox GPL 106 offers water repellency, radiation stability, and barrier properties thanks to superior thin-film coatings and its robust, polymer backbone. For applications that require GPL 106 Oil in grease form, please see Krytox? GPL 206 or Krytox? GPL 216.

Krytox GPL106

Krytox GPL106

Krytox GPL106

標簽: Krytox GPL106

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