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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂

Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂

2022-09-05 15:56:09  

Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂含有抗腐蝕/抗磨抑制劑,非常適用于亞硝酸鈉添加劑不會(huì )與化學(xué)品發(fā)生反應或造成污染問(wèn)題的腐蝕性環(huán)境。Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂典型應用是汽車(chē)軸承、密封泵軸承、電動(dòng)機軸承和通用軸承。 KKrytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂不含有機硅。它們不含任何 VOC 材料或氯,對大氣或臭氧層無(wú)害。它們在生物和環(huán)境上是惰性的。

Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂

H-1 經(jīng)認證可用于偶然食品接觸,亞硝酸鈉添加劑

Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂含有抗腐蝕/抗磨抑制劑,非常適用于亞硝酸鈉添加劑不會(huì )與化學(xué)品發(fā)生反應或造成污染問(wèn)題的腐蝕性環(huán)境。Krytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂典型應用是汽車(chē)軸承、密封泵軸承、電動(dòng)機軸承和通用軸承。 KKrytox GPL223防腐蝕通用潤滑脂不含有機硅。它們不含任何 VOC 材料或氯,對大氣或臭氧層無(wú)害。它們在生物和環(huán)境上是惰性的。

全氟化的 Krytox GPL 223 高溫穩定性通過(guò)延長(cháng)再潤滑間隔提高了可靠性并減少了潤滑脂的使用和人力,從而節省了底線(xiàn)。優(yōu)異的油膜強度可減少磨損,從而降低維護成本。在高負荷下,粘度增加以提供支撐和吸收壓力。

Krytox GPL 223 Grease | Anti-Corrosion General-Purpose Lubricants

H-1 Certified For Incidental Food Contact, Sodium Nitrite Additive

The Krytox GPL 223 grease contains an anti-corrosion/anti-wear inhibitor and is ideal for corrosive environments where there is no danger of the sodium nitrite additive reacting with chemicals or causing contamination problems. Typical applications are automotive bearings, sealed pump bearings, electric motor bearings, and general-purpose bearings. Krytox oils and greases are silicone-free. They do not contain any VOC materials or chlorine and are not hazardous to the atmosphere or ozone layer. They are biologically and environmentally inert.

The fully fluorinated Krytox GPL 223 high-temperature stability provides bottom-line savings from improved reliability and a reduction in grease usage and manpower through extended relubrication intervals. Excellent film strength reduces wear to reduce maintenance costs. Under high loads, the viscosity increases to provide support and absorb the pressure.

Why Krytox GPL 223?

Krytox lubricants provide longer-lasting lubrication that reduces the frequency of re-lubrication, not only reducing operating costs but also reducing waste and potential impact on the environment. Krytox lubricants are undamaged by, and non-reactive with, acidic or caustic cleaners and disinfectants, steam, moisture, or high temperatures. The original properties of the fluids can be restored through regeneration; thus, reducing or minimizing disposal and incineration. Chemours has a regeneration program that reclaims PFPE fluid. This lowers the overall cost of the fluids, and reduces or minimizes safety and environmental disposal problems. For applications that require no additives, we recommend Krytox GPL 10X Oil, or  Krytox GPL 20X Grease

標簽: Krytox GPL223

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