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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox GPL227潤滑脂

Krytox GPL227潤滑脂

2022-06-08 06:43:55  

Krytox GPL227潤滑脂具有高溫穩定性,較低的蒸發(fā)速率,不會(huì )被溶解,也不會(huì )與其它物質(zhì)進(jìn)行反應;不會(huì )受化學(xué)物質(zhì)的影響與侵蝕;不會(huì )燃燒:沒(méi)有閃點(diǎn) 沒(méi)有自燃點(diǎn)與氧氣不會(huì )發(fā)生反應。

Krytox GPL227潤滑脂具有高溫穩定性,較低的蒸發(fā)速率,不會(huì )被溶解,也不會(huì )與其它物質(zhì)進(jìn)行反應;不會(huì )受化學(xué)物質(zhì)的影響與侵蝕;不會(huì )燃燒:沒(méi)有閃點(diǎn) 沒(méi)有自燃點(diǎn)與氧氣不會(huì )發(fā)生反應。

化學(xué)性能:高溫穩定性,較低的蒸發(fā)速率,不會(huì )被溶解,也不會(huì )與其它物質(zhì)進(jìn)行反應

化學(xué)穩定性:不會(huì )受以下化學(xué)物質(zhì)的影響與侵蝕
沸騰的硫酸 發(fā)煙硝酸 氫氟酸/鹽酸
強氧化劑 水/水蒸氣 熔融苛性堿等

不會(huì )燃燒:沒(méi)有閃點(diǎn) 沒(méi)有自燃點(diǎn) 與氧氣不會(huì )發(fā)生反應
高溫穩定性(當溫度達到340℃):沒(méi)有化學(xué)分解 斷裂物質(zhì)是揮發(fā)性的


溶解性:在以下物質(zhì)中不會(huì )溶解

碳氫化合物 水 蒸汽 化學(xué)溶劑 酸和堿

生物性能:不會(huì )生物降解,也不支持任何類(lèi)型的生物生長(cháng)

Krytox GPL 227 Grease | Anti-Corrosion General-Purpose Lubricants
H-1 Certified For Incidental Food Contact, NSF 147520 Registered
Krytox GPL 227 grease provides protection from rusting, high-temperature corrosion, and antiwear. It has excellent lubrication over a broad temperature range. Krytox GPL 227 is NSF 147520 registered and H-1 certified for incidental food contact. Krytox GPL 227 is 100% nonflammable, oxygen compatible, and chemically inert and extends lubrication intervals and longer equipment life.

Typical applications include corrugator and paper machine bearings, aluminum can manufacturing bearings, vacuum sputtering machines, welding machines, linear bearings, high-temperature fans, clean rooms, chlorine service, textile equipment, tenter frames, high-speed motors, instrument bearings, sealed for life motors, conveyor system in glass and aluminum plants, textile calendar roll bearings, brick kiln car bearings, CV joints, wheel bearings, universal joints, clutch throwout bearings, paint plant conveyor bearings, ventilation fan bearings, valve lubrication, and starter bearings.

Why Krytox GPL 227?
Krytox lubricants provide longer-lasting lubrication that reduces the frequency of re-lubrication, not only reducing operating costs but also reducing waste and potential impact on the environment. Krytox lubricants are undamaged by, and non-reactive with, acidic or caustic cleaners and disinfectants, steam, moisture, or high temperatures. The original properties of the fluids can be restored through regeneration; thus, reducing or minimizing disposal and incineration. Chemours has a regeneration program that reclaims PFPE fluid. This lowers the overall cost of the fluids and reduces or minimizes safety and environmental disposal problems. For applications that require no additives, we recommend Krytox GPL 10X Oil, or Krytox GPL 20X Grease


krytox gpl227

標簽: Krytox GPL227

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