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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂

Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂

2022-10-15 20:58:14  

Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂含有高壓和防腐添加劑,Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂在高負荷、氧化和磨損環(huán)境中表現優(yōu)異

Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂含有高壓和防腐添加劑,Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂在高負荷、氧化和磨損環(huán)境中表現優(yōu)異

Krytox GPL 295適用于需要高承載能力、防腐和抗磨保護的高溫應用。其他系列的Krytox有高壓或防腐添加劑,但Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂不需要在保護兩者之間進(jìn)行選擇;這兩者都有。與其他等級的Krytox相比,該潤滑脂在耐磨性方面也有所改善。簡(jiǎn)而言之,Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂在相同負載下需要更少的能量,并且具有更小的磨損疤痕,同時(shí)還使用防腐蝕添加劑來(lái)防止氧化和生銹。Krytox GPL 295潤滑脂已被證明適用于潮濕條件下或頻繁溫度循環(huán)可能導致冷凝和生銹的輸送鏈,以及汽車(chē)離合器導向軸承。

Krytox GPL 295 Grease | High Pressure and Anti-Corrosion Additives

Exceptional performance in high load, oxidizing, and abrasive environments

Krytox GPL 295 has been formulated for high-temperature applications that need high load carrying capacity, anti-corrosion, and anti-wear protection. Other series of Krytox have either high pressure or anti-corrosion additives, but the GPL 295 does not require a choice between protecting against one or the other; it has both. This grease also shows improvement in wear prevention over other grades of Krytox. In short, the GPL 295 requires less energy for the same load and has a smaller wear scar while also utilizing anti-corrosion additives to protect against oxidation and rust. This product has proven applications in conveyor chains that are subjected to moist conditions or frequent temperature cycling that could allow condensation and rusting to occur, and in clutch pilot bearings in automotive.

標簽: Krytox GPL 295

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