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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox NRT 8906全氟聚醚潤滑脂

Krytox NRT 8906全氟聚醚潤滑脂

2022-09-03 15:42:32  

Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂具有非反應性、不易燃、持久的性能,即使在反應性氣體服務(wù)的苛刻溫度和壓力下也是如此。 Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂與氧氣和其他反應性化學(xué)品兼容,并且極耐水洗。 Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂還與用于密封件、O 型圈和閥門(mén)的聚合物兼容。

Krytox NRT 8906全氟聚醚潤滑脂 |用于反應氣體設備的應用


Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂具有非反應性、不易燃、持久的性能,即使在反應性氣體服務(wù)的苛刻溫度和壓力下也是如此。 Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂與氧氣和其他反應性化學(xué)品兼容,并且極耐水洗。 Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂還與用于密封件、O 型圈和閥門(mén)的聚合物兼容。 Krytox NRT 8906 和 NRT 8904 為各種操作條件下的閥門(mén)、調節器、密封件以及泵和電機軸承提供出色的潤滑選擇。 Krytox NRT 8906 潤滑脂專(zhuān)為在寒冷至環(huán)境條件下使用而配制,被推薦用作 O 形圈的具有成本效益的閥門(mén)填料和密封潤滑劑。

所有 NRT 潤滑油和潤滑脂均已通過(guò)西德聯(lián)邦材料測試研究所 (BAM) 的測試。 Krytox 潤滑油已通過(guò)包括 BOC、Air Liquide、NASA、General Dynamics 和 Praxair 在內的組織的獨立測試,并證明其與氧氣和其他反應性化學(xué)相容性是可接受的。有關(guān) Krytox 潤滑系列的其他信息,請參閱 Krytox VPF/LVP 或 Krytox GPL 22X 系列。

為什么選擇 Krytox NRT 8906?

Krytox 產(chǎn)品是全合成的,不是石油基且完全惰性,因此 Krytox 油和潤滑脂不會(huì )與環(huán)境中的任何物質(zhì)發(fā)生反應。與其他潤滑劑不同,在低于 350 oC (662 °F) 的溫度下,Krytox 油不會(huì )氧化或分解成其他可能有害的物質(zhì)。

Krytox NRT 8906 Grease | For Reactive Gas Service

Superior film-forming capability that reduces wear

Krytox NRT 8906 grease delivers nonreactive, nonflammable, long-lasting performance, even under the demanding temperatures and pressures of reactive gas service. Krytox NRT lubricants are compatible with oxygen and other reactive chemicals, and are extremely resistant to water washout. Krytox NRT lubricants are also compatible with polymers used in seals, O-rings, and valves. Krytox NRT 8906 and NRT 8904 provide excellent lubrication options for valves, regulators, seals, and pump and motor bearings at a wide range of operating conditions. Krytox NRT 8906 grease has been formulated for use in cold to ambient conditions, and is recommended as a cost-effective valve packing and seal lubricant for O-rings.

All NRT oils and greases have been tested by West German Federal Institute for Materials Testing (BAM). Krytox lubricants have been independently tested by organizations, including BOC, Air Liquide, NASA, General Dynamics, and Praxair, and proven acceptable for oxygen and other reactive chemical compatibility. For additional Krytox lubrication series info, please see Krytox VPF/LVP or Krytox GPL 22X series.

Why Krytox NRT 8906?

Krytox products are fully synthetic, not petroleum- based and totally inert, so Krytox oils and greases do not react with anything in the environment. Unlike other lubricants, at temperatures under 350 oC (662 °F), Krytox oil does not oxidize or break down into other substances that could be harmful.

標簽: Krytox NRT 8906

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