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歡迎光臨上海昆邦化工有限公司,咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 139-1717-1467(微信同) 137-8899-0268(微信同)

Krytox XHT-S特殊高溫潤滑脂

Krytox XHT-S特殊高溫潤滑脂

2022-10-15 11:58:38  

Krytox XHT-S和Krytox-XHT-SX潤滑脂是具有低油蒸發(fā)的特殊高溫潤滑脂,具有較長(cháng)的軸承壽命

Krytox XHT-S和Krytox-XHT-SX潤滑脂是具有低油蒸發(fā)的特殊高溫潤滑脂,具有較長(cháng)的軸承壽命,并且與大多數彈性體和塑料兼容。這些潤滑脂可在較寬的溫度范圍內提供良好的潤滑,但在200°C(400°F)以上的溫度下效果最佳。

Krytox XHT-S系列潤滑脂不易燃,與氧氣兼容,化學(xué)惰性,可延長(cháng)潤滑周期和延長(cháng)設備壽命。

Krytox XHT-S and Krytox XHT-SX greases are special high temperature greases with low oil evaporation that provide long bearing life and are compatible with most elastomers and plastics. These greases provide excellent lubrication over a broad temperature range, but are designed to work best at temperatures over 200 °C (400 °F).

Krytox XHT-S series greases are nonflammable, oxygencompatible, chemically inert, and provide extended lubrication intervals and longer equipment life.

The Krytox XHT-S series greases are an extension of the Krytox GPL 240 series and Krytox GPL 20X series, but are designed to give higher performance in the 204–302 °C (400–575 °F) range. Krytox XHT-S series greases should be used below 320 °C (608 °F), where the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) thickener could begin to melt. The base oil is an extremely viscous oil that provides good viscosity and lower evaporation at high temperatures. Krytox XHT-S series greases contain no additives, so they are used when a potential for interaction between process chemicals and grease additives exists.


標簽: Krytox XHT-S

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